Peace by Piece Slide Show

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sampson Park OR-NAH! Reflections

I did an activity, “Peace Tees,” that had youth express what peace meant to them through painting pre-stenciled shirts that had phrases such as, “Call Me Queen”, “Leader”, and “Call Me Smart” on the front of the shirt.  I truly think this was powerful because the kids responded so well to it.—Breial Kennedy

I liked the positive reactions from the kids at Sampson Park while I was MC-ing and helping to facilitate different activities.  I wish more parents were participating and being present for the event.—Glenn Sullivan

The overall day at Sampson Park was a huge success—kids were engaged and activities ran smoothly.  The kids really loved the Peace Tees activity.—Kendall Santacruze

The event at Sampson Park was very interesting and eye opening.  We used the least expensive, least elaborate activities and the kids loved it.  It was for both the interns and the youth.  I can’t wait to see how the kids respond to our next series of activities.—Brandon Bigard

I loved the interaction between the interns and the children during peace games at the park.  I loved all of the positive energy that was present especially during Isaiah’s “Umoja Says” activity.  My main focus was to see the kids have fun and we made that happen.—April Stewart

One interaction that I remember the most was one between interns and kid wandering around the park after the event.  He was walking around with his pants on low, flashing a BB gun, holding an extra clip in the pocket.  According to him, his behavior was appropriate and was a normal everyday thing.  This stuck out to me because we come in the park to increase the peace and promote nonviolence.  I’m anxious to change this type of behavior.—Austin Smith

The activities that we chose were a good time especially the shirts which flew off the table into hands as if they had been given life themselves. This and other things including the Mardi Gras Indian parade made the day a swirl of bodies and colors in our section of the park.—Isaiah Jones

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