Peace by Piece Slide Show

Friday, December 7, 2012

Oppression Fashion Show Reflections: Isaiah

[Text on the left: peace be in the eye that is open.]
[Text in the middle: The fashion of oppression is violence, poverty, poor education.]
[Text on the right: Self awareness is key.]

The sweet tension of waiting for people to arrive combined with the multiple colored lights filling the room, a dream of cold extremities coursing with adrenaline. I, as the door person watching the welcome table, got to say hello to most of the people to the event hopefully making a positive first impression. From my vantage point near the door I’m torn as to what might have been my most memorable experience.  Feel as though personally it might have been leaving the safety of my door post to venture into the spot light to lead my activity “Let’s find a write way” but then again it might have been watching my fellow intern perform an impassioned mime to the song “Encourage yourself”. In general however I found the whole show to be an interesting experience.
            To me oppression is a negative force that holds people down and away from becoming all that they can truly and positively become because of hate and a desire for power. It’s an unnecessary and unfortunate action that many have taken a part in across a spectrum of ideas. In the fashion show aside from manning the door, my job was to conduct an activity that engaged the audience with writing. The first step being to drain the brain of clutter in an unprompted free write in which once could do anything they wanted. Soon followed by the video “Everything is Everything” by Lauryn Hill for musical inspiration before jumping into a prompted free write where the audience was asked to ponder two questions relating to being a brown person living in a reality of poverty, violence and/or poor education and what were strategies they would use to positively make changes in their lives. I chose this activity because I feel that writing is an important way to express oneself and often in this world people are not allowed to do so in a way that is free from judgment, free from restrictions telling them what to think and how to think. Instead this was an attempt to open up the space for introspective reflection using a powerful tool to get the wheels turning in people’s heads individually and collectively.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Vlog: Oppression Fashion Show

Erick Dillard's experience at the 2012-2013 Oppression Fashion Show.

Oppression Fashion Show Reflections: Erick

Oppression Fashion Show 2012-2013

My experience at the 2012 Oppression Fashion show was absolutely tremendous. The reason that I had such a good time was because I liked the way that we used fashion design to make a statement about oppression. This form of art was very unique. It was great to see so many people, of all ethnicities, come together to discuss oppression. The whole event was astonishing.
I have obtained knowledge about other people’s stories through my participation in the fashion show. Knowing these stories helps me to go into different communities around the New Orleans area with a new perspective. Now I know that everyone that I come into contact with does not have the same story, and it makes me be more understanding of different people’s situation.
I can’t say that I relate to all of the stories that were presented, but because of the Oppression Fashion Show I know that oppression is out there. As an intern at AFSC, I will do everything in my power to help those that are dealing with extreme oppression.

Erick Dillard

Oppression Fashion Show Reflections: Antoinette

Oppression Fashion Show 2012-2013

         The fashion show was without a doubt an amazing experience for me. It was such a great feeling to meet new people all from different backgrounds and with entirely different personalities. The event was so high energy and the excitement was highly contagious. I think what I liked seeing most was all the involvement from the various age groups, especially the younger people. I have several memorable moments from that evening! I worked backstage so it was a sensational feeling being able to work with so many talented individuals.
The one moment of the evening that stuck out most to me is when all three of us (two of my fellow interns and I) were working on something backstage, because I think we really pulled together to get everything done. Overall, that night was pretty magical, and I am excited to get involved in next year’s Oppression Fashion Show.

 Antoinette Berger

Monday, December 3, 2012

Destiny Watson model of Poor Education for Oppression Fashion Show 2012!
Ahmane' Glover

Lovely Interns @ Oppression Fashion Show 2012! Antionette Burger, Eryck Dillard, and Isaiah Jones!